Friday, March 23, 2012

Short Formats

With the aid of PowerPoint, Photo Story, and YouTube, I recently made a video about childhood obesity. The video focused on the importance of healthy school meals and how they are vital to the children. Often times, school meals are the only healthy meals children receive all day. Making this video was a challenge for me. I have made videos before, but never one like this. We were to follow the format that is one I had never heard of this website before, so its entirety was like a foreign language to me. Pecha-Kucha is derived from the Japanese term meaning "chit-chat." Pecha-Kucha presentations use the 20x20 format. Each presentation consists of 20 slides that are each 20 seconds long. The slides contain narration and are concise and move at a rapid pace.

After completing my video, I uploaded it to YouTube and also placed a copy in the public dropbox folder.

Standard 3c. Model Digital-Age Work & Learning. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats. I believe that this standard applies to this assignment because it involves using digital-age media to communicate information to a group of individuals. The information discussed in this video could be used to teach children about the importance of eating healthy. It could also be used to show teachers and/or parents the importance of school lunches.

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