Thursday, March 29, 2012


We have recently been learning about different types off presentations and their effectiveness. We have learned about PowerPoint, Pecha Kucha, Photo Story, and most recently, Prezi. Prezi is a web-based presentation tool. It allows you to upload images from a PowerPoint right into your Prezi presentation. Prezi also makes it easy to add video clips into your presentation.

PowerPoint is a program that most people are familiar with, or have at least heard of. Prezi, however, is not as common. I am fairly familiar with PowerPoint, but I have only used Prezi a handful of times. PowerPoint's and Prezi's are two very different presentation creators. Although I am more familiar with PowerPoint, I would have to say that I like Prezi better. Prezi allows you to take a topic/idea and make it your own. You can make your idea as detailed as possible or as simple as possible. It's all up to you. PowerPoint allows you to arrange your ideas into blocks but doesn't really allow room for much creativity. In my opinion, PowerPoint has many more limitations compared to Prezi.

I created a Prezi presentation on autism. Autism is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I have previously used PowerPoint to create a presentation about Autism. However, I felt that Prezi allowed to put much more personal effort and creativity into my presentation. Because of this, it means so much more to me and I feel that makes it even more effective to the audience. Below are two links. One is to view my Prezi presentation on Autism and the other is my PowerPoint presentation on the same topic. If you view both presentations, it is easy to see which is more effective.

The ISTE standards:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
This standard applies to this assignment because of the creativity it inspires. Prezi is a program that students could use to express their personal creativity and apply it toward a topic they were passionate about. This could be done for any subject in the classroom.
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Prezi is all about designing and developing presentations. All of the presentations could be used for learning experiences, assessments, and enhancements.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

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