Friday, February 24, 2012


I just created a Jeopardy game using a really neat website. The website was called "Jeopardy Labs." I had never heard of this website, until this assignment. This website would be a very useful tool for any teacher. I really liked how this website was set up. I liked how it gave you the option to set up a password, so you can go back in and edit the game you created, if need be. Everyone loves to play games so you could use Jeopardy at any grade level. Since I am an elementary education major, I made a Jeopardy game that would be suitable for younger children. I based this game on the subject of mathematics. I would probably use this in a 3rd or 4th grade classroom for a multiplication review.

Since I just used basic multiplication skills for this game, I made up all of the problems myself. The sub-categories include:
1. Multiplying by 3's
2. Multiplying by 4's
3. Multiplying by 5's
4. Multiplying by 6's
5. Multiplying by 7's

My game wasn't set up in the typical Jeopardy format. Normally in Jeopardy, the answer is given first and the contestant is to give the question. However, since I used math, that would have been entirely too difficult. Therefore, I just gave the problem first, and then the contestant (the student) give the answer in question form. For example, one of the questions might be: "2 x 7." The student would then respond with their answer saying, "what is 14?" Also, the game is organized by the typical point values, ranging from 100-500. The questions are easier at the 100 point level and gradually get more difficult as the point value increases.

Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment! This is a great website that I had no idea exsisted. I am excited to share this with my other education friends! =)

ISTE NETS T - Standard 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
This Jeopardy game was based on mathematics and could easily be used as review for a test or simply for extra practice. By using this educational game, students are interacting and engaging in a digital-age learning experience.

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