Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jing Video

I used the program Jing to create and capture a video of to sign up for Diigo account. I choose to do this because it is fairly simple, yet it relates to work we have previously completed this semester. By creating a Jing video, you can create a digital movie without having a digital camera. It’s very simple and convenient. The Jing logo is a sun. The sun has three prongs that come out from it. By clicking on the first prong of the sun, you can show what portion of your screen you want to capture. You can also choose whether you want to create a video or capture an image. The other two prongs on the Jing logo are labeled “history” and “more.” Under the “history” prong you can find all of your previous work that you have created using Jing. Under the “history”tab is where you can access your settings and find out more information the Jing program. After you have captured a video, you have the option of saving and also sharing it. You can share the video using screencast.com. With this website, it will generate a URL and you can then access it using a website. You can also access your video capture later by going under the history tab on your Jing logo. If you save the video to your computer, it can be found under that location. It will be saved a “.swf” file type. This stands for shockwave flash object.
ISTE NETS T: Standard 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.
This assignment relates to this standard, because the Jing video feature stimulates creativity and also promotes learning. You can use the video feature on Jing to teach others about a specific task. The video feature makes it easy to show step by step directions.

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