Thursday, April 12, 2012

Google Maps

Recently, we have been learning about Google Maps. I have never used this feature on Google before, so it was really neat to learn about it. Once I got started and figured things out, it was actually fairly simple. This would be an ideal application for teachers to use when planning a field trip. It would be very useful to use when communicating to parents/guardians about a proposed trip. With Google Maps, the parents could see the exact location(s) of where their child is going. It would also show surrounding areas and other points of interest. Embedded below is a picture of a map I created using Google Maps.

View Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in a larger map

Here is a link to a newletter I created using Google Docs. The newsletter contains infomation about a field trip I planned for a fifth grade class. The newsletter includes a proposed itinerary as well as a map of the locations.

ISTE NETS T #2 - Design & Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences & Assessments. (A) Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

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